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Thorneberry School

Thorneberry School is for pupils aged 5-16 years old and is located near Doncaster in Yorkshire. We are part of The Roaches School network. Thorneberry school is due to open early in 2025 and is awaiting registration inspection. Please contact with queries relating to availability.

Our mission

Thorneberry school is embedded into the management structure of the Roaches Farm School Network. The school shares the values and intent of this community of schools. Our ambition is to help re-integrate children back into mainstream school where possible and provide a diverse and fulfilling curriculum in supporting this process.

Our Aims

Thorneberry School has the dual role of supporting fostering step down by providing a hub for professionals within Parallel Parents to collaborate. We endeavour to identify and support successful foster placements to coincide with a positive school transition. Our fostering hubs draw together the skills of education, residential and supervising social work teams to help make this process robust and sustainable.

School Calendar

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